Yes, I rode last nite in that torrential downpour. A conservative guesstimate would be be that over 1" of rain fell on me during that 90 minute ride. To no surprise, I didn't see another living soul the whole ride. Plenty of wildlife though. First up was a respectable-size snapping turtle. Those things are mean as sin. It wasn't digging the fact that I stopped to take it's picture either. When I see these on the dirt or paved trails, I usually help them get across the trail so the next guy behind me doesn't run it over or throw rocks at it. This one was having none of that so I left it alone. Plenty of wild turkey and deer out. Last weekend was my 39th birthday. That puts me in the 40-whatever age group at some races next year. Yippy. Kristine got me a very cool digital video camera that can be mounted on my handlebars, shoots pics and up to 1 hour of vid, USB download to computer or straight to TV. Look for plenty of cool vids on this blog in the coming weeks: "Tuesday Night Crit cam", "Commute Cam", ect. Tying to figure out a cool way to mount it on a dog collar for the "Lou Cam", "Athena Cam", and "Buster Cam". It will be cool to see the world from dogs POV. Kristine also took my to dinner at Garozzo's in Overland Park. Perfect weather for dining outside. Very nice food and wine with Frank Sinatra music playing the whole time. Rode into work today, making this the 5th straight week that i've made the commute 2 out of the 5 days. That well over 1 full tank of gas saved.